Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My simple room

This is the finished project of my room but i wasn't quite satisfied with so I'm editing it. We had to have ten objects in and I have 11 objects in it. hope you like it and see you next time.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Under construction

My teacher is having my class make a room. The top picture is what i have done so far and the one below it is what I'm modelling it after. It's not going to be an exact copy but it is going to look similar. we are supposed to have 10 objects that aren't exact copies like the speakers that are unfinished. hopefully it comes out well, hope you like it. i haven't bean posting lately because I forgot to or i didn't have anything to post. see you next time.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


This is what my teacher had us in the program called cinema 4D. Everyone had to make their own space ship and i made this one. I thought mine looked cool but then my teacher had to show us some from previous ones and put us to shame. Over all this was fun to make and I enjoyed making it. Hope you like and I will hopefully remember to post something next week. :-)

Friday, November 7, 2014


This short video is something i just put together because i didn't know what to do. So I just found random clips of nature, some pictures of memes and some text. Our teacher said it had to be at least 40sec long and mine is 41sec long. Hope you like it and i will post something next week.

Friday, October 31, 2014

This video is what my teacher had us work on. i created this on Thursday and i went for a creepy space theme. we had a huge selection of random video and sound effects and i chose these. I hope you like the video and see you next week.

Friday, October 24, 2014

My teacher is having us work on a 6 page website for our current project. This is my second page of the project and I'm currently working on the 3rd page and not close to finishing. Hope you like it see you next time. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

This week my teacher started us on a program called Firework. He showed us how to use it and showed us what everything does. After he explained it he let us create what ever we wanted so we can get familiar with the program. I decided to create something random that looks cool. This is my result of experimentation and to me it looks cool. Hope you like my work and i will post something next week.

Friday, October 3, 2014

For this ghost that I designed I took a 3-D template off of the internet and made look like this. When I created this I used white and different shades of purple. The hardest part for me was the eye at the center of the ghost but even when I tried it still didn't look right to mo a gave up and hoped for the best. Hope you like it, sorry I posted this a week late and I will try to do better next time so see you then.
This was a project we had in my class where we had to create a two color business card. I created this using a template my teacher created for us. The colors i used was purple and gold. I made the business card on a business that I made up called Jewelery kings. I made the logo, the crown, based off of Ice Kings crown from Adventure time. Hope you guys like my work, I enjoy making this stuff and i will post more next week so see you then.

Friday, September 19, 2014

This is the current project I'm working on in class. i had to find an image that was in black and white and design it. i choose a ghost from destiny and design it. The image is still in construction but it is coming out good so far. I will post the finished image when I'm done. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New at Blogging

This is new to me so it will be some time before I get used to blogging. If you have any suggestions or advise on blogging I would really appreciate it.