Friday, December 11, 2015


Here is a video of a cube making a pattern. sorry i have nothing new for you. I just have been working on an animation that is not finished yet sorry.

Friday, December 4, 2015


im sorry i dont have a render pic of my temple. So her is a pic of an extra credit project i did. All i can say is the temple has a rubiks cube theme to it. Hope you like this.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Im not sure if i already posted this, so sorry if i did. i'm currently working on something big and i couldn't render it in time to post it. the reason being is that the thing i'm making is a big temple for a 2min movie my friend and I are working on. the movie is about two kids going on an adventure to find a sacred self-solving Rubik's Cube. see you next time and hop you like it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

cube animation

This cube was extremely complicated to make. first i started with one cube and fillet the edges so they would be rounded then colored the sids the appropriate color. Then i put that cube in a cloner object set to the grid a ray. then i added a fracture and a group effecter, 3 null objects and inheritance effecters. i then numbered the inheritance 1-3 to go wit the null objects. i then assigned the inheritance effecters to the null objects and put them in the grope effecter. then i made the cloner object editable to get 26 individual cubes and made this animation. hope you like it and see you next time.

Friday, November 6, 2015


This cube is important. Im currently trying to animate it (easier said than done) which is proving to be difficult. The cube is made up of one cube in a cloner object. Im still working on it but this is all i have hope you like it.

Friday, October 23, 2015

10 sec animation

This is a project where we had to make a sort 10sec animation tso we could get familiar with changing colors in an animation. i have an oil tank (far left), a figure (middle), and a pyramid (right side). They are all changing colors and explode using the TNT deformer tool. Hope you like it see u next time.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


This is the current project im working on. So far its going well. The fork and spoon were the hardest to make. hope you like it.

Friday, September 25, 2015


This is the project ive been working on for the past week. The hands was probably the hardest thing on the watch to make. im still working on it and ill post the finished work probably  next week.

Friday, September 18, 2015

My Observatory

This is the finished architecture project I've been working on, its a bit dark but it makes sense. this took me about a week to create mainly because the of the observatory and the telescope sticking out of it. i like it and ill post something next week.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Work in progress

This is my progress on my architecture project. I have made an observatory to reflect upon my love for space. this took me about a week to make and so far I'm happy with it.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Rubik's cube

Last week our teacher told us that we need to make a product that could be advertised and to make it look as real as possible. I decided to make rubiks cubs because i had already made one for extracedit (the one on the right). I made the cubes out of smaller cubes and grouped them together to make the cube a hole. I then made different textures to place on the cubes in different ways to make the patterns they are in. This project took me about one week to make it to my satisfaction.