Friday, November 20, 2015

Im not sure if i already posted this, so sorry if i did. i'm currently working on something big and i couldn't render it in time to post it. the reason being is that the thing i'm making is a big temple for a 2min movie my friend and I are working on. the movie is about two kids going on an adventure to find a sacred self-solving Rubik's Cube. see you next time and hop you like it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

cube animation

This cube was extremely complicated to make. first i started with one cube and fillet the edges so they would be rounded then colored the sids the appropriate color. Then i put that cube in a cloner object set to the grid a ray. then i added a fracture and a group effecter, 3 null objects and inheritance effecters. i then numbered the inheritance 1-3 to go wit the null objects. i then assigned the inheritance effecters to the null objects and put them in the grope effecter. then i made the cloner object editable to get 26 individual cubes and made this animation. hope you like it and see you next time.

Friday, November 6, 2015


This cube is important. Im currently trying to animate it (easier said than done) which is proving to be difficult. The cube is made up of one cube in a cloner object. Im still working on it but this is all i have hope you like it.